At the end of this section, you will find a “Save & Continue” button and a “Submit” button. If you run out of time when working through a section, be sure to click “Save & Continue.” You will then receive an email with a link that will return you to where you left off. The link is valid for 30 days.
Once you complete this section, be sure to enter your email and click “Submit.” You will then receive your entries in your inbox. You can refer to your answers to support you during your leasing journey — including strategizing the arrangement, negotiating with the landowner, and drafting the lease agreement.
This interactive workbook is designed to coincide with resources available in the Farmland and Ranchland Leasing Collection. In particular, we highly recommend you bookmark the Long-term Agroforestry Lease Workbook to refer to it along the way for more detailed explanations of legal concepts and issues that are only briefly addressed here.