Zoning may prohibit some value-added activities on your property even where a farm operation is allowed. Processing agricultural products can be considered commercial, and therefore a non-agricultural, use of the property. Likewise, if you are contemplating inviting the public to your farm for any agritourism ventures, you will be well-advised to consult your zoning before committing to these farming-adjacent ventures.
Agritourism ventures often will require an event permit, conditional use permit, or even a variance before they are allowed. Securing event or conditional use permits is generally fairly straightforward, so long as the farmer allows enough time for the process.
It is important to know how to find the zoning ordinances that impact you and your operation, be familiar with the vocabulary of zoning, and what to do if your zoning doesn’t allow a specific use that you want to pursue. This is what this section will cover!
To determine what your zoning is and the full picture of what is allowed use in your zoning designation, you have a few options. One option is to call the local zoning authority (which may be a city, town, county, or other unit of government), explain the proposed venture, and ask if it is allowed. Other farmers may prefer to research the zoning code themselves without interfacing with their town planning offices. Many local entities do have their zoning codes online. Other options include talking with a local attorney or asking a reference librarian for assistance.
Identify the specific local government authority responsible for zoning and land use regulations where the land is located. This could be a municipality, county, township, or other local government unit. Neighbors and other landowners are great sources of information. Real estate agents, librarians, Extension educators and local clergy or elected officials may all be able to assist.
Once you’ve identified the local zoning authority, you can search their official website. Look for sections or departments related to planning, zoning, or land use. Nowadays, most local governments have made the zoning code either viewable or downloadable on their websites.
Minnesota State Law Library has a collection of statewide ordinances on their website.
If you do not have internet access or would prefer to have a hard copy of the zoning code, you can call the local agency and ask for a copy. You may have to pay for it. Another option would be to go to your local public library and ask the librarian to assist you in finding a physical copy of the zoning code.
Gwen inherited family farmland that she is using to grow herbs and produce botanical products. She wants to launch an herbal picking day on the farm where customers can come and pick the herbs they want to buy. She recognized that this kind of activity was different from growing produce and selling via a farmstand, and she had a hunch that the zoning code might have something to say about her plans. She began researching her county’s zoning documents online. She found her parcel on the zoning map and identified the zone it was in. In the zoning code, she saw that commercial events in her zone require a permit. Her research made her feel knowledgeable and ready to have a conversation with the zoning board about the permits she needs to host commercial activities on her farm.
Zoning codes can be complex and filled with legal jargon, making them challenging to decipher. You’ll need to be aware of the “vocabulary” of zoning in order to fully understand the zoning code you’ve just located. Most jurisdictions will use the same or similar jargon.
Zoning codes divide land within a jurisdiction into different zoning districts. Each zoning district typically has its own set of regulations. It is crucial to understand the specific zoning district(s) that apply to the property you are or will be farming and/or using for a non-farming purpose. This information can typically be found in the zoning map or zoning district regulations within the zoning code.
Common zoning districts for farmland include Agricultural, Rural Residential, and Conservancy districts. Generally, different districts will be labeled by acronym on a zoning map (e.g. “RR” for Rural Residential) and you may have to find the acronym for your parcel on a zoning map and then separately cross reference the zoning code to find the acronym’s meaning.
Often the uses that are allowed in a particular zoning district are described as “permitted” uses. Look for sections or tables listing allowed or permitted uses. These lists outline the activities and land uses that are allowed without requiring special permissions or approvals.
Rather than describing allowed uses, some codes list the disallowed uses. If the code lists only allowed uses, everything else is disallowed, and vice versa.
Oftentimes, zoning codes will refer to accessory uses. These are uses that are allowed only if they are connected to a principal permitted use. For example, in an agricultural zoning district, a principal permitted use is “agriculture use.” An accessory use may be “processing and packaging agricultural products.”
Tip: When reviewing the allowed and accessory uses, pay attention to any specific restrictions, limitations, or requirements related to agricultural uses, processing activities, or housing. Look for provisions related to the scale of production, types of products or processing activities, equipment usage, and occupancy limits.
Special Note About Urban Agriculture: Urban farmers will need to pay particular attention to their zoning codes. While some jurisdictions allow for agricultural uses in urban residential, industrial, or commercial zoning districts, they often include specific limitations. In addition, zoning codes will often require special use or conditional use permits for agricultural activities conducted in urban areas.
In addition to allowed uses, zoning codes often include provisions for special or conditional uses. These allow certain activities to be conducted on a property with additional review and approval processes, often by securing a conditional use permit. The permitting process helps make sure certain obligations are met, such as a minimum amount of off-road parking, adequate restroom facilities or waste management, and attention to noise levels, among other concerns. Some conditional uses may also require a public hearing to be held before the permit is issued. The public hearing is an opportunity for neighbors to voice support or potential concerns for the proposed activity. It is critical to know in advance which activities will require such permits. Start by discovering in which code the property falls, and then read up on which activities are allowed or disallowed in that zone.
Tip: When reviewing the provisions for special or conditional use permits, note any specific requirements, limitations, or conditions that must be met to obtain a permit. For example, if hosting agritourism events requires a permit, note any restrictions on the number of events, attendance limits, noise control measures, or parking requirements.
Zoning codes often include definitions of key terms and phrases used throughout the document. These definitions can provide clarity when trying to decipher what the document actually means. If there is a term that you’re unsure about, be sure to see if it’s included in the definition section. Terms such as “agricultural activities,” “value-added,” and “agritourism” are sometimes explicitly defined and may not be intuitively understood. Going back to review and understand any definitions that are included in the zoning code helps make sure your overall interpretation of the document is accurate.
Zoning codes are not the easiest documents to understand, to say the least. They can be filled with ambiguities, which can be frustrating to farmers seeking certainty. Many were written long ago and have yet to catch up to innovative and diversified farming practices. Some zoning codes are silent about activities involving value-added processing or agritourism. Others can outright prohibit such activities. This, again, is frustrating. More infuriating is that Black, Indigenous, other farmers of color, and English as a Second Language speakers all too often face discrimination when interacting with zoning boards or officials.
This guide serves to empower farmers with strategies for navigating zoning code challenges. While zoning challenges can be complex, it’s possible to address ambiguities, prohibitions, and discrimination with knowledge and strategic approaches.
Zoning codes may use language that is vague or open to interpretation, leading to uncertainty about whether specific activities are permitted. Alternatively, they may be entirely silent about an activity. What then?
Of these options, it is important to note that working with an attorney gives you confidentiality. If you take one of the non-attorney options to gather information and reveal your plans, there is a risk of interference or undesirable actions. Decision-makers might get wind of your discussion, and they might take issue with it. This is an area where personalities, local history, and long-held opinions can play a significant role in outcomes.
If it’s clear that your zoning code either prohibits an activity you want to pursue or requires a conditional use or special use permit, here are some strategies and tips to keep in mind when going forward.
Remember, each jurisdiction has its own unique zoning processes and requirements, so it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of your zoning code and seek local expertise to develop an effective strategy for going forward.
For BIPOC and ESL farmers, facing discrimination when interacting with zoning boards and officials adds an extra layer of complexity to the zoning process. Questioning zoning decisions or interpretations can be particularly challenging, given the potential for community backlash, ridicule, and threats. Discrimination should never be tolerated, but it is pervasive. Here are some strategies to keep in mind.
Remember that you are not alone in this journey. Leverage local resources, community support, and legal assistance when needed.
Bottom-line, when it comes to zoning, knowledge is power. If you don’t like what you learn, you might have the power to change it. Ultimately, the policy goal is to ensure that zoning codes and regulations are fair, transparent, and supportive of diverse farming activities and communities. Through collaborative efforts, we can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable agricultural system where all farmers, regardless of their background, can thrive and contribute to their communities.
If you are working on a concrete issue with a regulator and are planning a strategy to address it, reading Farm Commons’ Farmers’ Guide to Working with Regulators (available on our website to members) will be helpful.