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Share and learn about the legal aspects of creating teas, salves, and more Applications for 2023 are now closed. Do you own a business where you make and sell teas, salves, tinctures and other health/beauty aids from products you grow and forage yourself? Do you have thoughts, concerns, or questions about what rules and regulations […]

$123 Million in Additional Funds for Distressed Borrowers

The USDA announced that starting in April, it will provide $123 million in additional, automatic financial assistance to qualifying farm loan program borrowers. The Federation of Southern Cooperatives is lauding this move as responsive to advocacy efforts on behalf of Black farmers. The recently announced funds are an addition to the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) […]

Who Owns Our Farmland: Foreign Ownership Legislation Proliferates

Just this year, over half the states have introduced bills to restrict foreign ownership of agricultural land. These states are joining the approximately eighteen states that already have laws limiting foreign ownership in some way. It is true that between 2009 and 2019, foreign ownership of U.S. agricultural land doubled, and it has only continued […]

Solar Leasing Brings Complex Questions

Agricultural communities are wrestling with the implications of utility-scale solar as the tax incentives of the Inflation Reduction Act spur surging investment in solar projects that cover thousands of acres. If the federal goals for renewable energy are met, as many as 10 million acres of land will be converted to solar generation. The best […]

Family Farm Feud: Relatives Without Governance Document End Up in Court

This was no ordinary Southeast strawberry farm; start-up costs reached nearly nine million dollars, and the farm covered 250 acres. Successful even during the pandemic, locals swarmed to savor the farm store\’s ice cream after picking berries on a hot afternoon. Though still operational, the farm is no longer a family venture–that dream collapsed in […]

Escaped Farmworkers Find Justice in Recent Conviction

Farmworkers forced to escape a Florida farm labor camp in 2017 have finally received some vindication.  The owner of Los Villatoros Harvesting (LVH), LLC, a farm labor contractor, was recently sentenced to almost a decade in prison for abuse of H-2A workers between 2015-2017. The H-2A program is simply a visa program. If farm owners […]

California’s Agricultural Overtime Rate Reaches Small Farms

Starting January 1, 2023, California’s agricultural overtime rule came into effect for farms with 25 or fewer employees. As of the new year, these farms must pay hourly rates of 1.5 times the regular wage for all hours worked over 50 in the week. Reactions to the new overtime rule are mixed. The Sacramento Bee […]